Unix Blog !

March 25, 2007

Bash Script

Filed under: Shell Script — sriram003 @ 1:10 pm

Heres a simple script I needed to execute if user found in
passwd file and if user not found in passwd file.

[root@unixguy scripts3]# cat verify.sh
#!/bin/bash -x

if grep $USER /home/sriram/scripts3/pass.txt;
#If user is found
perl script.pl;
#If user Not found
bash script.sh;
[root@unixguy scripts3]#

Delete Files older than two Months from the Latest File

Filed under: Shell Script — sriram003 @ 12:02 pm

This script should Identify the Latest date file and delete files
which are older than 2 Months from latest date.

bash-3.00$ cat delet_old.sh

touch -d “$(date -d “$(ls -lt | awk ‘NR==2{print $6,$7}’) 2 months ago”)” FILE_MARK &&
find . ! -newer FILE_MARK -exec rm -f {} \;

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