Unix Blog !

June 7, 2007

Airtel GPRS Mobile Office Connectivity on Nokia N70

Filed under: Airtel GPRS — sriram003 @ 11:09 am
Connecting to Internet with your Cell Phone (Airtel GPRS)
Here is the settings have Tried in Nokia N70
Call 121 to activate your GPRS costs Rs 199 Per Month.
Once your Gprs Settings in activated :
On My Nokia N70 , I made the following Changes :
Tools -> Settings -> Select Access Point
Connection -> Mobile Office
Data Bearer -> GPRS -> Packet Data
Access Point -> airtelgprs.com
User -> 919987******(91 Followed by your cell no.)
Password -> 0000
Authentication -> Normal
Services -> Options -> Settings -> Default Access Point -> Mobile Office.
On my system (Win2k) Settings:
Start > Settings > Network and Dial Up Connections
Click on Make new connections ( Make sure your Nokia PC suite installed For any drivers it may require)
Select: Dial up to the Internet (Connect to internet using my phone line).
Select : I want to connect my internet connection manually . or through LAN
Select : I connect through Phone Line and a Modem
Now I saw a new connection named : – Nokia N70 USB Modem (OTA)
Attach your USB to Nokia N70
Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Modems Tab
Double Click Nokia N70 USB MODEM > ADVANCED
UNDER Extra Initialisation Commands give the below settings :
Dial UP – Connection Settings for Airtel is as Follows
User – Blank
Password – Blank
Dial – *99#

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