Unix Blog !

August 15, 2007

Execute shell commands from a C program

Filed under: C Program — sriram003 @ 7:33 pm

Heres a C Program that use system() function to
execute shell commands:

See man system for more information:

[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# cat test.c
printf (“Files More than 10 MB !!\n”);
system(“find . -size +10000k”);
return 0;

[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# gcc test.c

[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# ./a.out
Files More than 10 MB !!

Programming C under Unix

Filed under: C Program, Shell Script — sriram003 @ 6:11 pm

Writing a test Program in C (Unix):
[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# cat test.c

printf (“Hello Sriram!!\n”);

return 0;


Executing the above :
[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# gcc test.c

[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# ls
a.out test.c

[root@linuxbox C_Programs]# ./a.out
Hello Sriram!!

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