Unix Blog !

April 29, 2007

Replace .htm with .html in 100’s of files inside a dir

Filed under: For Loop, Shell Script — sriram003 @ 1:39 pm

I needed to replace {.htm} files with {.html} extensions in
100’s of files in a directory :

Heres what I did :

[root@unixguy scripts]# ls
file1.htm file2.htm file3.htm

[root@unixguy scripts]# for list in `ls -1t *.htm*`
> do
> prefix=`echo $list | awk -F”\.” ‘{print $1}’`
> mv $list ${prefix}.html
> done

[root@unixguy scripts]# ls
file1.html file2.html file3.html

One more way of doing this :

[root@unixguy scripts]# ls
file1.html file2.html file3.html

[root@unixguy scripts]# ls *.html | awk -F ‘.’
‘{print “mv “$1”.html “$1″.htm”}’| csh

[root@unixguy scripts]# ls
file1.htm file2.htm file3.htm

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