Unix Blog !

September 10, 2006

Playing Realplayer Audio in Linux Mozilla Firefox

Filed under: Realplay — sriram003 @ 6:27 pm

There are some music sites where you need
realplayer plugins to be configured on your (Mozilla Firefox/Linux)
browser to play songs :

I did the following to get this working :
1) Download and Install RealPlayer10G RPM from

2)Once you Install RealPlayer
Copy nphelix.so to your Mozilla plugins directory
and nphelix.xpt to your Mozilla components directory.

Heres the Path I copied from :
(I use Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) )

[root@sriram sriram]# cp /usr/local/RealPlayer/mozilla/nphelix.xpt

[root@sriram sriram]# cp /usr/local/RealPlayer/mozilla/nphelix.so

Restart the browser to use the Music Site and see now if this works.

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